Brio 0.4.0

Freeze Physics & XAT's Cutscene Control

  • Updated the Advanced Pose Window

    • Added a Freeze Physics & Freeze Character button

    • Changed the Bone Page selector visual style

    • Better layout of Bones on Body page

  • Refreshed the UI for the Entity Hierarchy

  • Updated the Animation Control Editor

    • Ported XAT's Cutscene Control to the Advanced Animation Control Window

      • Added a new Cutscene setting, Start All Actors Animations On Play

        • With this enabled all actors will play the animation set in the Base slot

        • Added Start Delay & Animation Delay

          • Note: The time-scale for the delay functions are in milliseconds!

          • 1000 Milliseconds = 1 Second

    • Refreshed user experience of the Animation Control Editor

      • Added a Freeze Physics button

        • Added new Actors dropdown list

          • With this menu you can Freeze/Un-Freeze all Actors or Stop/Play All Actors Animations

        • Pausing Actors should now be more reliable

        • Added a new setting when searching for a animation, Start Animation On Select

  • Added 3 new Key-binds

    • Stop Playing Cutscene (Shift + B)

    • Start All Actors Animations (Shift + N)

    • Stop All Actors Animations (Shift + M)

  • Added simple savable camera presets to the Camera Editor #73 (Thanks @snaeling)

    • These presets do not persist and will be 'forgotten' after ending a Gpose session

  • The open Advanced Window buttons will now toggle their respective Advanced Windows

  • Updated the Brio Welcome Window

  • Brio will now respond to /xat in FFXIV chat

  • Made micro-optimizations across the codebase

  • Fixed a crash with IMGUI

  • Fixed an issue with MCDFs

  • Fixed the margins on the Rename Actor Popup

Known Issues

  • When importing a pose as Expression the head does not rotate properly,

    • You can fix this by rotating the "Head" bone manually

  • Not all of the new bones are named yet

  • The Library does not have an option to Import as Expression

  • Right clicking on an item in the Entity Hierarchy gives a very long list of items

Last updated