Brio 0.5.0
Brio has a new Icon!
Over time it will update in Dalamud
Added "Legacy" bone filter.
Use this import filter when loading on to pre-Dawntrail faces
Added Brio Style
Fixes a bug under certain circumstances.
More styles will be added in the future.
You can disable the Color Style in the Settings.
Added Projects, save and load the entire Brio scene.
Project System is in Beta. NOTE: Projects might not be compatible from version to version!
Scene exporting will be available in a later update.
(Thanks, Ashadow700 for the initial implementation and inspiration)
Added AutoSaving, saves the entire Brio scene.
Default interval is once a minute.
Added Customize+ support.
Added a Change Customize+ Profile menu.
Added a Change Glamourer Design menu.
Added Virtual Cameras, you can now spawn more than one Camera!
Added Free Cameras!
Keybinds will be changeable in the future.
Added Prop Spawning! (Thanks, MKhayle for inspiration)
If you have issues seeing the Prop, be sure to click the "Refresh" button in the top left of the widget!
Added "Change weapon into a Prop" button to the Advanced Appearance window. (Thanks, MKhayle!)
If you have issues seeing the Prop, be sure to press the Attach Weapon button.
Added a Reset model transform button to the posing widget.
You can now press Escape to clear the selected bone.
Keybind will be changeable in the future.
Refresh the designs of the Appearance, Posing, & Animation Control widgets!
Added multiple buttons to the posing widget.
Change the icons to the import and export buttons.
Added a scrub bar to the animation control widget.
Rewrote the Freeze Physics System for better reliability. (Thanks Winter & darkarchon for the tip!)
Fixed an issue when loading as 'Body' on pre-dawntrail actors
Fixed an issue with Third-Party plugins not being Available after being updated or installed!
Fixed an issue with font scaling, Brio's font scale will now always be '1'.
Fixed an issue with the Reset Settings button being enabled when it shouldn't have been
And finally, a message: It's been over a year now that I've been the developer & maintainer for Brio.
Thank you to everyone who uses Brio, supports it monetarily, contributes with code, requests features, reports bugs, or simply engages with the community. I'm truly grateful for all the wonderful people I have met over the past year.
This last year has been the hardest of my life. Without all of you, and without Brio, it would have been much worse, so again, Thank You!
But there is one in particular whom I have met I wish to make a message for,
I started talking to you to simply ask you what the color of your sky was, what I found was a sky full of beautiful colors, colors I couldn't stop looking at, colors I fell in love with, colors I wish never to forget. I told you I'll give you stars and the moon and a soul to guide you and a promise I'll never go, I mean it now more then ever.
So, while it is not mine to give necessary, I want to give you the only thing else I know to give you, I dedicate Brio to you,
I love you, forever unto eternity~
Last updated